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Book your individual first aid consultation

With PepperPapers legal documents, you can become an advocate on your own behalf. However, if you are still unsure about how to use this legal document or have further questions, you can quickly and easily book a first aid consultation with our legal experts.

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3 steps to your document

1: Select legal document

Select the PepperPapers legal document template that suits your needs.

2: Personalisation

Enter your personal data for the respective legal document. Your data will of course be transmitted to us in encrypted form.

3: Download

After paying for and personalising your legal document, you can download it and/or print it in PDF format on your smartphone/computer.

Be a lawyer in your own right

Do I have to go straight to a lawyer? Not always, but sometimes you do. You can do a lot yourself. With the right legal documents and the know-how to back them up. This will make you a lawyer in your own cause!

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On the safe side

With the legal documents of PepperPapers you are on the safe side. Reviewed by lawyers and tax experts and updated for you on an ongoing basis. New laws and judgments included. All about tax and the tax office, authorities, banks and insurance companies.

The PepperPapers legal documents are your first aid when there’s a fire. Direct download, affordable for everyone and without going to the lawyer. Checked by the lawyer. Legally compliant and up to date.