Terminating contracts
How to cancel the contract from a phone scam
9,99 €How to get your money back because you didn’t get a cancellation notice
9,99 €How to get your money back from the direct debit from your account
9,99 €How to terminate your employment contract
9,99 €Secure your business: Legally compliant cancellation policy for your customers
9,99 €Terminating a maintenance contract with your supplier without notice
9,99 €What data does your supplier have about you?
9,99 €With this clause you save your contract in case something becomes ineffective
9,99 €Do you want to cancel your contracts? Do you want to formulate your resignation in a legally secure manner? Then write your resignation with your PepperPaper! When the going gets tough, PepperPapers legal forms are here to help you. Directly downloadable, affordable for everyone and no lawyers needed.